Our neighbor, Berlin's Natural History Museum, is the perfect stop for our guests, be it upon arrival or inbetween checking out and traveling back home, to take advantage of the last few hours in Berlin. This is especially true for families staying with children, for whom the museum has so much to offer.
From the 23rd of May until the end of 2018 there are two special attractions at the museum: Tristan, one of the best preserved T-rex skeletons in the world, as well as the exhibition Macaws, which highlights one of the challenges of our time: sustainable conservation and responsible action in an ever-changing globalized world.
Due to its comprehensive collections, the Museum is probably the only research institution able to organize such an exhibition, showing all 19 macaw species known of.
The spectacular displays and unusual setup catch the eye of the beholder and bring a taste of South America to Berlin. It will also make visitors stop and think. How is the threat to exotic birds and the loss of biodiversity linked to our daily lives and what can we do as individuals to make a positive global impact?

More information: https://www.museumfuernaturkunde.berlin/en/museum/ausstellungen/macaws

Copyright: Hwa Ja Götz

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