Of late, Paleolithic cuisine has been dividing opinions in many a NY, LA and London headline. The idea of unrefined food is nothing new – which is actually the main point of Paleolithic cuisine, a sort of “modern take” on a diet that stretches back 15,000 years. Based around the idea we really haven’t changed that much since then, Paleo cuisine avoids processed and refined-carbohydrate led foods, switching to simple, unrefined food that pass the hunter-gatherer test. It’s not eating like a caveman, but rooted in the principles of the diet at the time.

Wrapping your head around what does and doesn’t count in the Paleo diet can be tricky for the uninitiated, which is where Sauvage comes in with some practical experience. With two locations in Berlin, Sauvage is one of the world’s first Paleo restaurant concepts. The original location is south from Miniloft in Neukölln, a cosy and simple affair that has blossomed from a neighbourhood restaurant into the hub of Paleo followers in the capital, hosting cookery courses and meetings to coax the converts into further Paleo culinary adventures. Up north, things are a little more chic, with Sauvage’s newest location in Prenzlauer Berg more of a showcase of Paleo’s elegant side. If you are Paleo, it’s heaven and if you aren’t, suspend your suspicions and try it – you’ll be surprised at how refined unrefined can be.

Sauvage Neukölln Pflügerstrasse 25, 12047 – Berlin Tel: 030/53167547 Opening times: Tuesday to Sunday: 6:00pm – 11:00am (Reservations by phone only after 5pm, see online for cooking courses)

Sauvage Prenzlauer Berg Winsstrasse 30, 10405 – Berlin Tel: 030/38100025 (Reservations online, by phone or by email at: Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.)

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