Younger visitors to Berlin are spoilt for choice in many areas – the numerous playgrounds dotted around the city, Legoland, two zoo’s, the Technical Museum, the Natural History Museum (located rather conveniently right next to Miniloft) and a whole host of other treats. But travelling with children always means new alternatives are welcome – which is where the MACHmit Museum for Children comes in.

Located in a converted church by Senefelderstraße in Prenzlauer Berg, the MACHmit Museum for Children offers plenty of historical, creative and cultural exhibits, with a firm emphasis on the interactive. It’s a mixed bag of delights – from an old replica soap shop where children can play with the weights to an old printing press, dress up boxes, a room of mirrors and circus equipment to get involved with. Regular monthly exhibitions and special events add some updated fun to proceedings, alongside a cinema programme. For younger kids, it’s a perfect wonderland of getting stuck in and exploring – and if you plan for a Saturday trip, it’s also a great way to tie in a quick trip to the farmer’s market at the nearby Kollwitzplatz.

MACHmit! Museum für Kinder
Senefelderstr. 5/6
10437 Berlin
T: +49 30 - 747 78 -200
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Opening Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday: 10am – 6pm (NOTE: closed on Mondays)

Standard tickets: €5.50 p.p (for children over 3 years)
Reduced tickets (including children under 2 years): €3.50
Family card (2 adults and 3 children max.): €20.00

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