Looking for the latest way to discover Berlin? Want to step away from the same old Berlin tours, the 100 bus line – or perhaps you’ve maxed out your audio, visual, gamingand even beer-biking sightseeing excursions? Well, Horizontal Berlin may yet provide the answer.

A little while ago in Prenzlauer Berg (north of Miniloft), an advertising agency created a special rickshaw style bike, that happened to home a bed on its frame. Originally conceived for a hotel promotion, the rickshaw was cast aside and left to the annals of time – until a resourceful man rescued it and created Horizontal Berlin. The idea we’re circumnavigating here is actually very simple: you pay for at least an hour of experiencing Berlin by bed. Groups of two are advised, although on sunny and busy days, don’t be surprised to find others hopping in to share the space. A double-umbrella and even an ashtray can be supplied on board the bike-bed, which operates from 2pm until 10pm and can even be arranged as a taxi for when bed is just a little too far away...

Berlin Horizontal

For more information on pricing packages and availability, please visit the Berlin Horizontal website.

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