Most people don't come to Berlin to go golfing, but on a short and gloomy day, it's like going under a sunlamp, just way more fun! If putting is your passion get your fix in Kreuzberg's Gorlitzer Park at Schwarzlicht Minigolf Berlin. Although it gets dark at 15:30 these days, never fear: the course is indoors and lit by black lights. Wear white gloves, your rave clothes, and get ready for a challenging round of 14 psychedelic holes. Every room is a neon, hand-painted gesamtkunstwerk featuring design themes like outerspace, Tron and under-the-sea.

Schwarzlicht Minigolf Berlin
Located in Café Isa Mitz in Görlitzer Park near Skalitzerstrasse, Kreuzberg
Mon-Fri 12-22:00, Sat-Sun 10-22:00
Adults 4.50 EUR, children 3.50 EUR

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