At the center of the Theatertreffen are ten productions, picked by an independent jury from a pool of around 400 performances of the past year.

Starting with the opening night, streamed live here on 13 May, the festival presents multiple streams a day, finishing out on May 24 with the live stream of the final jury talk, streamed live here.

The 10 productions selected by the jury are presented by both well-known European theater houses as well as artists' collectives or lecture performers. The selection includes:

Einfach das Ende der Welt - production by the Schauspielhaus Zürich
Show Me A Good Time - a productino by Gob Squad
Maria Stuart - production by Deutsches Theater Berlin
Automatenbüffet - production by Burgtheater (Vienna)
Graf Öderland - production by Theater Basel / Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel / Residenztheater (Munich)
Medea* - production by Schauspielhaus Zurich
Reich des Todes - production by Deutsches SchauSpielHaus Hamburg
Der Zauberberg - production by Deutsches Theater Berlin
NAME HER. Eine Suche nach den Frauen+ - lecture performance by Marie Schleef

All performances are available either with simultaneous translation into English or with English subtitles.

Make sure to check out their complete programme, it includes many more discourses, films, theater, dance, performing arts and workshops.

copyright: Rachel McLean

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