Bread and Butter, the fashion tradeshow for designers, brands and labels, is back this winter at Berlin's Tempelhof airport. With over 600 brands represented, it's the European trade show for street fashion! Miniloft apartments are the perfect location for Bread and Butter guests: you can live in happening Mitte, while the show is easily accessible with the U6 subway line, with only a three-minute walk at either end. With their beautiful design, the apartments are always a popular choice for busy Bread and Butter guests looking for practical comfort, without sacrificing style.

Bread and Butter
Tempelhof Airport, Platz der Lüftbrücke 5, Tempelhof
January 18-20, 2012
Opening Hours Wednesday: 10:00-19:00 Thursday: 10:00-19:00 Friday: 10:00-18:00

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