There are no end of options for eating out near Miniloft, with Mitte being the home to plenty of incredible restaurants suited for all appetites and budgets. And if it’s choice you’re after, Volver is a definite contender for a lovely evening out.

Here, tapas are the order of the day, with Volver serving up a mouthwatering selection of hot and cold dishes that are perfect for picking and sharing in the restaurants bustling atmosphere. Classic dishes like grilled prawns, prunes wrapped in ham and caramelised goats cheese can all be found here, alongside plenty of drinks to wash them down with. Whether its wine or beer you prefer, and whether you decide to have tapas with drinks or drinks with your tapas, at Volver, the beauty is that it’s entirely up to you.

VolverLuisenstraße 41, 10117 Berlin
Open: Mon – Sat 18:00 – 00:00

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