Landhaus Lemke was Mies van der Rohe's last house built in Germany before he went into exile in 1938. This small, simple brick house certainly is a confirmation of van der Rohe's statement that "architecture begins if two bricks are carefully assembled.“ The L-shaped house, built in 1933 for Karl and Martha Lemke, manages to feel solid yet transparent, with a view and terraces onto a lake and a beautiful garden. The Lemkes were forced out of the house by the Soviets in 1945; during the GDR it was used by the Stasi. Martha Lemke left the house and its furniture (also made by van der Rohe and Lily Reich) to the city of Berlin, today it is open for visitors looking for beauty.

Landhaus Lemke (Mies van der Rohe Haus)
Oberseestraße 60, Höhen-Schönhausen, Berlin
Open Tue-Sun, 11-17:00, free entry

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