Direktorenhaus is in a beautiful old building on the Spree, now a huge new art space. It utilizes the total space to build an atmospheric framework to explore the different elements of art, craft, design and performance. During 2010 the exhibitions and events are organised around the four seasons of the year. The four themes “Magic Realism” (spring), “Montebello” (summer), “Corn Craft” (autumn), “Opium Den” (winter)

On September 23rd “Corn Craft” opens and Direktorenhaus starts peeling back layers starting quite literally as the second floor of the house is presented for the first time. In the exhibition, Peter Nencini and Elisa Strozyk explore the textures of the house itself exploring the mid-peel status of the 1930s building and its DDR legacy. Richard Brown presents "Quantum Pearl" interactive and futuristic LED lighting, while Daniel Becker creates a beautiful site specific ceiling light installation. Roman Bittner's intricate wallpapers (photo) will be shown as will Maike Dahl's modern living silverware.

September 23, opening, 19:00-24:00
Exhibition through December
Am Krögel 2, Mitte
U2 Klosterstrasse

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