Miniloft is surrounded by an ever-growing number of galleries and art hot spots - the newest crop lies slightly hidden just north of the main train station, behind the large museum for contemporary art, Hamburger Bahnhof. The impressive Hamburger Bahnhof, a former train station, boasts a permanent collection that includes works by Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg and Cy Twombly. The current exhibition, Die Kunst ist super! (Art is super!, through Feb 14) is a star-filled presentation of works from its large permanent and on-loan collections. And we're certainly looking forward to the Walton Ford exhibition! (Bestiarium, Jan 23-May 24 2010). A tip: while state museums in Berlin have free entry on Thursday evenings 18:00-22:00, Hamburger Bahnhof offers free entry on Thursday afternoons, from 14:00 to 16:00.

Hamburger Bahnhof
Invalidenstraße 50-51, Mitte
S+U-Bahn Hauptbahnhof

Mon closed / Tues-Fri 10-18:00 / Sat 11-20:00 / Sun 11-18:00
12 Euro, concession 6 Euro
Tel +49(0)30 266 42 42 42

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