Microbes! Mench Mikrobe, a new interactive science exhibition all about bacteria and viruses, fungi and parasites, has a brief run next door to the Miniloft apartments in the gorgeous theatre hall of Berlin's Humboldt University. Honoring Robert Koch, the Nobel-Prize-winning German microbiologist (who isolated anthrax, tuberculosis and cholera at the end of the 19th century, and basically invented microbiology). Entry is free; it's worth going if only for a glimpse of the beautiful Theatersaal.

Mench Mikrobe
Historischer Thaersaal der Humboldt-Universität, Invalidenstr. 42, Mitte
U-Bahn Naturkundemuseum

June 3-July 6, open daily 10-18:00, Thursdays until 22:00

humboldt saal

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