As anyone who has been to a Berlin Christopher Street Day Parade will testify, this city is pretty much as tolerant as you can get. From the openly gay mayor, Klaus Wowerweit, to famous sons and daughters throughout the years, Berlin – particularly the Berlin of today – sees individual sexual preference as something to be rightly celebrated.

At the Schwules Museum, you can find 1600 square meters dedicated to archiving, researching and representing the experience of LGBTIQ communities. Having recently undergone relocation to a new home at a former printing house at Lutzöwstraße, the Museum now also has the space to function as an important and vital information point on gender, and the diversity of sexual identity. Four exhibition spaces, a café, a research library and a workshop testify to the aims, as the Schwules Museum expands not only in size but also scope. A fantastic exhibition and events programme is at the heart of the Museum, with subjects and themes explored through multiple disciplines, relating sometimes to Berlin, but always to the world beyond.

Schwules Museum
Lützowstraße 73
10785 Berlin

T: +49 (0)30 69 59 90 50

Opening Hours:

Sunday - Monday, Wednesday-Friday: 2-6pm

Saturday; 2-7pm

Tuesday: closed

Entrance: 6 EUR regular, 4 EUR concessions (A discount is also available through several of the Museum cards...)

Photo Copyright: Schwules Museum, Berlin

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