Berlin Fashion Week is almost upon us, providing an excellent reason to leave your toasty apartment for the icy streets of Berlin. In heels, please! From January 18th-23rd, see shows by local and international labels like Lala Berlin, Kaviar Gauche and Schmitdtakahashi, and party with the beautiful people. (Btw check out Schmitdtakahashi's website for their cool project "Identity Swapping," where they style several normal people in one enblematic or totally everyday outfit, providing a fascinating look at fashion and identity). Fashion week can be found all around the city: The Bread and Butter tradeshow takes place Jan 19-21 at Tempelhof airport (very convenient to the Minilofts with public transport), and many shows are held at Bebelplatz in Mitte.

Berlin Fashion Week
All over town
Jan 19-23, 2011

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