A hearty breakfast is hard to find in Berlin. Sure, Sunday buffet brunches are an institution, and a roll and cheese can be found in any old bakery. But what about pancakes and waffles? And English breakfast? And eggs benedict? As an American homesick for real breakfast, I almost cried with relief when Chipps (run by the team behind Cookies Cream) opened their second location down the street from the Miniloft apartments. This is high-quality breakfast, seven days a week - seasonal, regional ingredients, whipped up in an open kitchen in cool, slick yet comfy environs. Try and grab the couches in back! They also offer light lunches and healthy dinners. Chipps has filled a yawning gap in Berlin's food scene, and we are forever grateful.

Friedrichstraße 120, Mitte
Mon-Fri from 8:00 till late, Sat-Sun from 9:00 to late
Reservations: T +49 (0)30 34 623 612 · Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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