The little shop on the ground floor of the Miniloft building is now home to MAOC Hair salon, and we couldn't be happier! Finally, a hairdresser who makes us look fabulous - every time - at quite reasonable prices. Customers get a complimentary coffee or tea, then sit back and relax while the personable Mithat Büyükkambak gives an incredibly relaxing head massage, before working his magic with scissors. We wish we could get a hair cut every day.

MAOC Hair Hessische Str. 5
U-Bahn Naturkundemuseum

Open Mon-Fri 10-19:00, Sat 11-16:00 Tel +49 (0) 30 208 33 929
Women €30, men €20 (20% discount for students)




How to get there from Miniloft

Just go downstairs!

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