The Markthalle was a mixed experiment in Berlin shopping when the first indoor market halls were opened in the late 19th Century. Within a relatively short space of time, the majority of the fourteen grand buildings, the design of August Lindemann, closed. Markthallen were an unfortunate casualty of capitalism, thwarted by outdoor markets like Maybachufer and new department stores that promised bigger, better and more exotic produce than Brandenburg ever had to offer.

Fast-forward more than a century, and whilst capitalism may still be booming and Penny Markt supermarkets are several a-penny, localism and conscious consumption is on the up. The Markthalle Neun in Kreuzberg is one such success story of this ever so eco trend. Itself one of the original fourteen Markthallen of Berlin, Markthalle Neun opened in 2011 after extensive renovation and a successful campaign against transformation into another standard shopping centre. The results are fantastic – Markthalle Neun is a great place to sample a huge variety of predominantly local goods and some amazing food. Which includes, but is definitely not limited to: smoked and fresh fish and meat, organic fruit and veg, preserves, cheese and the obligatory coffee and cake. Look out for special events, including the regular Naschmarkt (organised by Slow Food Berlin) and the more recent addition of the weekly Street Food Thursday .

Markthalle Neun

Eisenbahnstrasse 42/43
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Opening Hours:
Weekly Market: Friday-Saturday, 10am – 8pm
Kantine Café: Monday – Saturday, 12pm – 4pm
Street Food Thursday: Every Thursday, 5pm – 8pm>

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